Everyone in our church has a story about how their life has changed since they met Jesus. Watch their stories below.
Your Name (required)
Your Mobile (required)
Select An Equip Group The Four Prison Prayers of Paul
Select A Life Group Kenmore Hills Life GroupCentenary Life GroupGraceville Life GroupSpringfield Lakes Life GroupWomen's Christian Book ClubPrayer Group
Select A Social Group BrunchCuisines with FriendsSunday Food GroupMum Friends GroupTrivia
Select An Interest Group BoxerciseBushwalking
We would love to help make your first visit with us great. Fill in this form, and one of our team will meet you at church and help you feel right at home.
First name
Last name
What is the best number to reach you on?
What is your best email address?
What Sunday would you like to schedule your visit
Tell us a bit about yourself and anyone you will be bringing with you. We would love to help connect you to the best people when you get here.
I am keen to volunteer more on Sundays YesNo
Please indicate any areas you would like to serve in Welcome team (making everyone feel welcome as they arrive at church)Hospitality (Helping people fellowship after the service with food and drinks)Streaming and Projection (helping people engage with the service both in person and at home)Kids (providing a fun space for children to learn about and engage with God and his word)Youth (helping to connect young people with each other, and teaching them to follow Jesus)Worship (leading people into the presence of God through music, singing and sound production)Anything I can do to help
I am keen to volunteer during the week YesNo
Please indicate any areas you would like to help during the week AdministrationCleaningGardening/MowingGeneral MaintenanceFoodbank and C3 CaresAnything I can do to help