Luke 2:10
Celebrate Christmas with us!
But the angel reassured them...“I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people."
The good news of Jesus brings joy to everyone.
The first Christmas had a unique bunch of partygoers, from shepherds to kings. No matter your experience or background, we would love to invite you to a Christmas Carols Service and Community Lunch on Sunday December 15, 9:30 am.
Bring a plate of food to share with some to spare to bless others. If you can’t, don’t worry, enjoy a free lunch with us 🙂
There will be face painting, fun kids’ program, and a gift for every child. We will also award the winner of our Christmas colouring in competition.
RSVP below – we can’t wait to see you!
Jason & Ruth (Pastors, C3 Church Centenary)
Kids colouring competition (WIN an instant camera!)
Who can enter (there are 2 categories):
- Age 6-12 (prize: Fuji Instax mini instant camera pack $129)
- Age 5 & under (prize: Omebel kids instant camera pack $59)
Conditions of entry:
- One entry per child
- Children must do all the colouring by themselves (sorry parents, no helping)
- Winners must be able to attend the Carols service & Community Lunch on December 15, with a parent or guardian, to claim their prize.
How to enter:
- On the reverse side of your colouring, write child’s NAME & AGE, with parent/ guardian’s EMAIL & PHONE #. Print more copies here.
- Send a photo of both sides of the colouring to OR pop it in our letterbox.
How will I know if I’ve won:
- Winners will be chosen by 2 local professional artists.
- We’ll be in touch if you’ve won. (Remember, winners must be able to attend on Dec 15 to claim their prize).
Happy colouring and all the best!
Carols service & Community Lunch
- Sunday December 15
- 9:30 am until 12 noon
- At C3 Church Centenary
- 512 Seventeen Mile Rocks Rd, Seventeen Mile Rocks
(Next to Storage King, parking at rear)