Celebrate Christmas with us!

But the angel reassured them...“I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people."

Luke 2:10

The good news of Jesus brings joy to everyone.

The first Christmas had a unique bunch of partygoers, from shepherds to kings. No matter your experience or background, we would love to invite you to a Christmas Carols Service and Community Lunch on Sunday December 15, 9:30 am.

Bring a plate of food to share with some to spare to bless others. If you can’t, don’t worry, enjoy a free lunch with us 🙂

There will be face painting, fun kids’ program, and a gift for every child. We will also award the winner of our Christmas colouring in competition.

RSVP below – we can’t wait to see you!

Jason & Ruth (Pastors, C3 Church Centenary)

Kids colouring competition (WIN an instant camera!)



Who can enter (there are 2 categories):

  1. Age 6-12 (prize: Fuji Instax mini instant camera pack $129)
  2. Age 5 & under (prize: Omebel kids instant camera pack $59)

Conditions of entry:

  • One entry per child
  • Children must do all the colouring by themselves (sorry parents, no helping)
  • Winners must be able to attend the Carols service & Community Lunch on December 15, with a parent or guardian, to claim their prize.

How to enter:

  • On the reverse side of your colouring, write child’s NAME & AGE, with parent/ guardian’s EMAIL & PHONE #. Print more copies here.
  • Send a photo of both sides of the colouring to info@c3centenary.com OR pop it in our letterbox.

How will I know if I’ve won:

  • Winners will be chosen by 2 local professional artists.
  • We’ll be in touch if you’ve won. (Remember, winners must be able to attend on Dec 15 to claim their prize).

Happy colouring and all the best!

Carols service & Community Lunch

- Sunday December 15
- 9:30 am until 12 noon
- At C3 Church Centenary
- 512 Seventeen Mile Rocks Rd, Seventeen Mile Rocks
(Next to Storage King, parking at rear)

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